Convicted Fraudster Bruce Nahin Defends Baseless Chippendales Claims

Bruce Nahin fake co-founder as seen on "Curse of the Chippendales"
Screengrab of a recent documentary appearance of Bruce Nahin the fake co-founder from “Curse of the Chippendales”. Image is “fair use”.

Bruce Nahin’s Story
December 30, 2022

I 1st met Steve Why was studying for the bar exam. He needed help buying out his partner’s share My dad and I prepared paperwork for this purpose Steve asked borrow money from my dad to partner and it was time to pay him back Steve offered shares instead of money We took those shares. During a trial between Nick’s family and Irene those shares came in to play and we offer to return those shares to Irene Christian and Lindsey her 2 children This was on the court record The corporate records and all other such documents were taken by the FBI and regrettably there are no records But I’m honestly not into titles I’ll tell my story and you can decide whether I was simply involved in the creation development and marketing of chippenills or founder because I don’t care
I was present when Paul pitched Steve the idea of the male exotic dancersteve had never been to a strip joint until Nick and I took him to one in Niagara at his wedding
Only Nick and I were present at the wedding
I was also present at the birth of both of Steve’s kids and my family and Steve’s family would celebrate all our children’s birthdays together Christmas Easter and the like
I spoke to Steve Knightley at 11 o’clock to go over the date and oftentimes I’d have lunch with him and David
Irene and I spoke several times a week and Nick and I every morning several times a week I would talk to the New York joint venturers with whom I still speak
Steve did not come up with the idea of Chippendale’s Names or strippers the idea Came from Pau
Steve had no idea that the club had chippendales furniture the furniture was provided by Gabe During what seemed like a very long Meeting about what to call a new club I got frustrated and suggested they call it after the furniture Steve loves the idea because he said it rolled off the mouth
Paul was Is horrible as MC and put on a very boring show and the whole idea would have died right there we’re not for barsh and his brilliant MC work and is brilliantly crafted script. Nick transformed the show way beyond Steve’s capabilities Although shooting at calendar was Steve’s idea all the brilliance of the original calendars came from Tom and Kate not steve
It doesn’t surprise me that in a taped interview recorded in the house to prepare Steve for talking on talk shows that Steve would take credit for everything Steve lies when Paul died he denied really even knowing the man So yes he takes credit for everything but it’s not true
Our family celebrated all the major holidays together and the children’s birthdays I was present when Steve’s children were born steve and Irene were at my wedding we were close I wasn’t just a lawyer who he occasionally used I traveled extensively for chip windows in meetings and being the eyes of chippenills in New York often
I was paid not an hourly wage or paid for particular legal work I was on profit sharing
Dorothy introduced me to Hugh Hefner who taught me about trade mark licensing
So whether I was a founder or just somebody who was there like Forrest gump who provided input and ideas and a lot of hard work and a lot of time that I suppose is subjective And the reader can decide whether or not I was a founder or just someone there
I do know that we have hundreds of founding fathers in the United States not just our presidents people like John Hancock Samuel Adams Paul revere Benjamin Franklin are all considered founders but they were not presidents in the United States
Every person who won’t stop at the time of an IPO is considered a founder not just the person in control So I will leave the question of title to the reader.. Who honestly cares
As far as Bob green and his brother I knew them well when they were dish jockeys and other things that destiny 2 and I had some interactions with them through the ears as far as Dan I don’t know if I had any interactions with a dancer and model my wife did make up for many of them so perhaps she added interactions with him I don’t know

With respect to the Patrick Swayze idea there was a time patrick boarded horses at our house and many a time he and I would ride at his property on Lemon Grove he told me he’d be on Saturday night live and I pitched him on the idea of mentioning Chippendale somehow that’s all I get with the so called sketch I’ve never claimed to write it
So I’ll leave The Choice to the readers assuming the moderator allows an opinion other than their own to be posted
If they are truly journalist students trying to seek the truth then I would hope they would allow my comments to appear against their posts and what the public decide the truth if in fact anyone gives a d***

We can discuss titles all day.
Steve and I spoke every night at 11 pm about his day,Irene several times a week.The New York partners several times a week and Nick every morning. Steve and David and I lunched often
My dad lent Steve 10,000 to buy his Cpa partner out.When the note was due Steve said he had no money and paid in Stock.
At a trial between the Denoia estate and Irene we offered her the stock back to help raise the kids,lindsay and Christian.She accepted on the record.
I was at their births.Nick and I were the only Chippendales group there in Buffalo.We took Steve to Niagra and his first stip club ever,or so he said and hated it.

I was present when Paul Snyder pitched the idea of male stripping.This was not Steves idea.
The show stunk as did Paul.Richard Barsh transfotmed the show with his script and as MC .Nick practically reinvented the show not Steve.The folks at Fours Eyes designed and photographed the calendar.
Am I a founder or just someone there from the beginning who provided imput and money. For a decade. Titles who cares about labels
Bob Green his brother and I had many interactions during the esrly years.Peterson makeup was done by my ex wife on ocassion.
Steve downplayed Pauls role after his death as he did most other people such as Barsh,Four Eyes,Nick and I so what.He was a narcissist murderer,extorter,and liar Believing his words means nothing.

Records: all taken by FBI sorry dont have them But do speak to the folks above as to my involvement.Screw titles
Oh Swayze kept some of his horses for a time at my home and I rode at lemon grove his ranch.
No I didnt write sketch never said I did,I just pitched Patrick on using our name on Snl for something.The sketch wasnt mine,never said it was
Finally Steve had no idea the club had Chippendales furniture.Gabe installed all that.I was frustrated in an interminable mtg with steve,tom don ben and gabe and thru out the nsme Steve lijed it because it sounded sophisticated
So what!!
So reader you judge the facts,draw your conclusions

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